A sequenced fx machine
Ever wondered how to make a sequenced fx machine, where the effects cut each other out (like dbGlitch, say)? Here’s a very simple example
var sig, del;
sig = In.ar(in,2)*0.5 + Select.ar(trig, [In.ar(in, 2)*0.5, LocalIn.ar(2), LPF.ar(Decimator.ar(In.ar(in,2)*0.5, sample, bit), 6000)]);
del = DelayL.ar(sig, 1.0, Lag.kr(grid, lag));
LocalOut.ar(HPF.ar(del*(trig.clip(0, 1)), 2000));
Out.ar(out, Pan2.ar(sig[0], TRand.kr(-0.5, 0.5, trig)*trig));
which uses the Ugen Select.ar, which functions as a “one-to-many” audio switch*. The delay part works as a simple beat repeater, and the other effect is a bit-crusher. After instantiating an audio bus, you can then delegate the sequencing to a Pmono
Pmono(\fx, *[\trig : Pwrand([0, 1, 2], [0.4, 0.3, 0.3], inf),
\grid: Prand([1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16], inf),
\bit: Prand([7, 10, 8, 24], inf),
\sample: Pwhite(1000, 10100, inf),
\lag: Pwhite(0, 0.1, inf),
\in: ~rep,
\dur: 1/8]).play(quant: 4);
Whatever you send to ~rep will be processed by the fx SynthDef (be careful with the order of execution, or use Group to be on the safe side). If you have already SynthDefs for the single effects you would like to use, it is more convenient to send the audio to single busses, and then add a SynthDef at the tail of the synth chain containing a Select.ar Ugen which will choose among the different effects. You will have to run additional Pmonos to control the various parameters, though.
Notice that this approach to sequenced fx machines is quite expensive, since the various effects will run constantly on the server.
Anyway, in this simple case it sounds like
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*You can use a similar approach in Max/Msp, Reaktor, etc.