Abstract expressionism: a generative approach

posted by on 2016.06.28, under Processing

I have always been fascinated by abstract expressionism, and in particular the work of Jackson Pollock. The way paint, gravity and artistic vision play together was always for me very representative of that tension between chaos and structural patterns one often finds in art.
So, here it is a little homage to the drip-painting style of Pollock. The Processing code is not clean enough to be useful, and I don’t think I understand what it exactly does yet (yes, it happens more than often that what I code is a surprise to me!). Let me say that it incorporates many of the topics discussed in this blog: object oriented programming, noise fields, etc. I’ll update the post when I’ll get it (hopefully) cleaned up.
Meanwhile, enjoy. 😉


Hey There-

Cool blog – I’m really interested in this subject. Give my site a look, it’s dedicated to generative audio streaming…

Kwame Johnson ( 24/07/2016 at 6:08 pm )

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