The Molecular Music Box in SuperCollider

posted by on 2014.08.19, under Supercollider

Via Reaktor tutorials I came across this video. I have already talked about generative systems that create rich patterns (see here, and here), and how simple rules can give rise to emergent complexity.
Watch the video to know what the simple rules are in this case (and to see why it is called “molecular” :) ), or look at the following SuperCollider code, which, I must say, took me a bit more than I thought


~mOut =;

var seed = 48;
var degrees, deg;
var length = Pseq([4, 3], inf).asStream;
var dur =;
var bars = 25;
var quant = 16;
var notes = [];
var loop = [];
var pos = [];
var next = 0;

degrees = [];

//Building the MIDI values for the white keys{|i|
degrees = degrees++([0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11] + (12*i));

//Starting notes from the seed

deg = Pseq(degrees, inf, degrees.indexOf(seed)).asStream;

(bars * quant).do({|i|
  var note;

    if((i%quant == 0) && (notes != []),
     loop = loop.add(notes);
     notes = [];

    if((i%quant == next) && (pos.includes(next) == false),{
      notes = notes.add([, dur/4]);
      pos = pos.add(next);
      next = (next + dur)%quant;

    if ( (i%quant == next) && (pos.includes(next) == true),{
     dur =;
     notes = notes.add([, dur/4]);
     next = (next + dur)%quant;

   });{|patt, i|
      patterns = patterns++([i * 4, Pbind(*[\type,\midi,\chan,0,
        [\midinote, \dur]: Pseq(patt, inf),
        \legato: 1,
            \amp: rrand(0.1,0.5)])]);

  Ptpar(patterns, 1);

Notice that you can very easily change any of the rules (duration length, scale used, etc.) with a few keyboard strokes: the power of a text based programming language! :)
I have sent the output of this to the Grand Piano instrument in Ableton Live 9.
Here is the result for 4C3

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and here is the one for 9C14½

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Wind Chimes

posted by on 2013.06.23, under Supercollider

It has been a while, but I have been busy with a new work to be released in July, and recently I have spent some time fiddleing with Reaktor, which I have to say is quite good fun.
So, here’s something very simple and a classic in generative music, i.e. a wind chimes generator. I have decided to use only one graph synth in Supercollider (everything happens at “server side”), using a geiger generator (Dust) with varying density as a master clock, and a Demand Ugen as pitch selector. There is also a bit of FM synthesis, which is a nice way to get “tubular” type of sounds in this case. Finally, some delay and reverb.

    var pitch,env,density,scale,root,sig,mod,trig,pan,volenv;,80,20),1,doneAction:2);,2.5);;,0,Drand([72,60,48,36],inf));,0.4,trig);

Here’s how it sounds

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