Fun with additive synthesis and interfaces
When I started learning SuperCollider, I was motivated more by algorithmic and generative music. I was (and still am) fascinated by bits of code that can go on forever, and create weird soundscapes. Because of this, I never payed attention to build graphical interfaces. Another reason why I stayed away from interfaces was that I was using Pure Data before, which is an environment in which building the interfaces and coding are, from the user’s perspective, essentially the same thing. While it was fun for a while, I always got frustrated when, after spending some time building a patch, I wanted to scale it up: in most of the cases, I ended up with the infamous spaghetti monster. Studying additive synthesis was such a situation: once you understand the concept of a partial, and how to build a patch say with 4 of them, then extending it is only a matter of repeating the same job*. It’s almost a monkey job: enter the computer!
The code here shows exactly this paradigm: yes, you’ll have to learn a bunch of new classes, like Window, to even be able to see a slider. But after that, it’ll scale up easy peasy, i.e. in this case via the variable ~partials. So, as a sort of rule of thumb: if you think you will need to scale up your patch/code, then go for a text oriented programming language as opposed to a graphical environment. The learning curve is higher, but it’ll pay off.
//Setting the various Bus controls;
~partials=16; //Number of partials;{|n|
//Define the main Synth;
SynthDef(\harm,{arg out=0;
var vol=[];
var sig;
//Build the Graphical interface;
w = Window(bounds:Rect(400,400,420,250)); //Creates the main window
//Add the multislider;
m = MultiSliderView(w,Rect(10,10,n*23+0,100));
m.value=Array.fill(n, {|v| 0});
m.action = { arg q;{|n|
//Add sliders to control frequency, fm modulation, and ring modulation;
g=EZSlider(w,Rect(10,150,390,20),"Freq",ControlSpec(20,2000,\lin,0.01,60),{|ez| ~freq.set(ez.value);ez.value.postln});
g=EZSlider(w,Rect(10,180,390,20),"Fm",ControlSpec(0,1,\lin,0.01,0),{|ez| ~fm.set(ez.value);ez.value.postln});
g=EZSlider(w,Rect(10,210,390,20),"Ring",ControlSpec(0,0.1,\lin,0.001,0),{|ez| ~ring.set(ez.value);ez.value.postln});
//Create the synth
If everything went according to plan, you should get this window
*Yes, I know the objections: you should have used encapsulations, macros, etc., but this didn’t do for me, because I rarely know what I’m going to obtain. “An LFO here? Sure I want it! Oh, wait, I have to connect again all these lines, for ALL partials?! Damn!”
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